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Útgefið gæðaskjal: Leiðbeiningar
Skjalnúmer: Rklín-339
Útg.dags.: 02/28/2023
Útgáfa: 4.0 Somatostatin

    Samheiti: Somatotropin release–inhibiting hormone (SRIH), Growth hormone–inhibiting hormone (GHIH), fP-Somatostatin, (Hluti af fP-Peptidscreening),
Hide details for Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending
Undirbúningur: Sjúklingur þarf að vera fastandi.
Sýnaglas kælt fyrir blóðtöku og sýni skal sett STRAX í ísvatn að lokinni blóðtöku.
Gerð sýnis : EDTA-plasma.
Sýni tekið í glas (inniheldur EDTA) með fjólubláum tappa án gels (svört miðja) .

Magn: 3 mL
Geymsla sýnis: Frystir. Verður að vera komið í frysti 30 mínútum eftir blóðtöku!
Sýnasending: Þurríssending til útlanda.
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Beiðni:20160503T091536.pdf Mælt einu sinni á mánuði
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Kliniskt kemiska laboratoriet
L 700 Provinlämningen / LabMedicin
Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset,Solna
171 76 Stockholm

Tfn: 08-517 724 26
Fax: 08-517 730 10

Somatostatin er einnig mælt hjá Hammersmith í London og er þá hluti af Gut hormónum (sjá skjal 517 GUT-hormón)
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Somatostatin, fP-
Klinisk kemi
Indikationer / kompletterande analyser:Endokrina pankreastumörer.
Kompletterande analys: fP-Kromogranin A och fP-Peptidscreening.
Metod:Immunkemi (RIA), radioaktivitet
Remiss:Klinisk kemi

Ingår även i fP-Peptidscreening.

Provtagning:EDTA-rör, lila propp.
Minst 2 mL blod krävs.


Om fler peptider beställs samtidigt, lägg till 2 mL per  komponent.
För fullständig peptidscreening, se

Ange provtagningstid.

Prov tas i iskylt rör och transporteras i isbad till Klinisk kemi inom 30 minuter.
Prov som tas utanför Karolinska, se förvaring.

Förvaring / transport:Transporteras i isbad till Klinisk kemi inom 30 minuter. Vid längre tids förvaring kylcentrifugeras provet och minst 1 mL plasma pipetteras av och fryses omgående. Skickas som frysprov.

Kylcentrifug finns på samtliga sjukhuslaboratorier men kontrollera att närvårdslaboratoriet har kylcentrifug om patienten ska provtas utanför sjukhus.
Referensintervall:Enhet: pmol/L
< 16
Svarsrutiner:Analys utförs en gång per månad.

fP-Peptidscreening inkluderar: 
fP-Pankreatisk polypeptid (fP-PP) 
fP-Vasoaktiv intestinal polypeptid (fP-VIP) 


Somatostatin affects several areas of the body. In the hypothalamus, it regulates the secretion of hormones coming from the pituitary gland, including growth hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone. In the pancreas, somatostatin inhibits the secretion of pancreatic hormones, including glucagon and insulin. Finally, in the gastrointestinal tract, the hormone reduces gastric secretion and the emission of gastrointestinal hormones, such as secretin and gastrin.

Because it is an inhibitor, somatostatin is important to balance hormone levels in the body and stop the effects of over-production of certain hormones. That means that somatostatin levels that are too low can cause the problems associated with high levels of other hormones. Growth hormone, in particular, can be problematic. However, this is a rarely reported condition.

Instead, some patients will struggle with excessive somatostatin levels when they have a specific type of endocrine tumor called a somatostatinoma. This tumor produces the hormone independently. The end result is extreme suppression of the hormones normally inhibited by somatostatin, such as insulin, which can cause major health problems.

Image result for somatostatin

http://www.karolinska.se/KUL/Alla-anvisningar/Anvisning/9273, http://www.karolinska.se/KUL/Alla-anvisningar/Anvisning/9235


Ingibjörg Loftsdóttir
Sigrún H Pétursdóttir
Guðmundur Sigþórsson
Kristín Sigurgeirsdóttir



Ísleifur Ólafsson


Sigrún H Pétursdóttir

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