../ IS  
Útgefið gæðaskjal: Leiðbeiningar
Skjalnúmer: Rklín-359
Útg.dags.: 02/28/2023
Útgáfa: 4.0 Na, K, Cl í saur

Samheiti: Elektrólýtar í hægðum

Hide details for Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending
Gerð sýnis : Fljótandi saur dreginn upp í þvagsýnarör mælingin er gerð í vökva.

Magn: 10 mL
Geymsla sýnis: Sent sem allra fyrst, annars kælir
Sýnasending: Hraðsending sem haldið er kaldri.
Hide details for Heiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfangHeiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfang
Klinisk kemi
Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, 413 45 Göteborg
Telefon 031-342 15 62, 342 10 00 vx

Hide details for HeimildirHeimildir

xbYbKFidNUsDbgWJiEZU_jpg.jpg Plaströr av polyprofylen (PP) 10 mL / Pp sterilt


RemissBeställningsetikett   SystemFaeces 
Provtagning och hantering Koniskt plaströr polypropen ("polypropylen"), 10 mL
Flytande feces
Förvaras i kyla.

MetodJonselektiv elektrod Indirekt mätning
NPU-KodNPU08629  AckrediteradNej


RemissBeställningsetikett   SystemFaeces 
Provtagning och hantering Koniskt plaströr polypropen ("polypropylen"), 10 mL.
Flytande feces.
Förvaras i kyla.

MetodJonselektiv elektrod Indirekt mätning
NPU-KodNPU08649  AckrediteradNej


Stool osmotic gap is a calculation performed to distinguish among different causes of diarrhea.

It is calculated with the equation 290 − 2 * (stool Na + stool K).[1] The 290 is the value of the stool osmolality. The stool osmolality is usually not directly measured, and is often given a constant in the range of 290 to 300.[2]

A low stool osmolic gap can imply secretory diarrhea, while a high gap can imply osmotic diarrhea.[3] The reason for this is that secreted sodium and potassium ions make up a greater percentage of the stool osmolality in secretory diarrhea, whereas in osmotic diarrhea, molecules such as unabsorbed carbohydrates are more significant contributors to stool osmolality.

A normal gap is between 50 and 100 mosm/kg.[4]

High osmotic gap (>100 mosm/kg) causes of osmotic diarrhea include celiac sprue, chronic pancreatitis, lactase deficiency, lactulose, osmotic laxative use/abuse, and Whipple's disease.

Low osmotic gap (<50 mosm/kg) causes of secretory diarrhea include toxin-mediated causes (cholera, enterotoxigenic strains of E. coli) and secretagogues such as vasoactive intestinal peptide (from a VIPoma, for example). Uncommon causes include gastrinoma, medullary thyroid carcinoma (which produces excess calcitonin), factitious diarrhea from non-osmotic laxative abuse[5] and villous adenoma.

Image result for na k in feces

Image result for na k in feces


Ingibjörg Loftsdóttir
Sigrún H Pétursdóttir
Guðmundur Sigþórsson
Kristín Sigurgeirsdóttir



Ísleifur Ólafsson


Sigrún H Pétursdóttir

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