Karnitin, P-Karnitin
Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending
Gerð sýnis : EDTA-plasma
Sýni tekið í glas (inniheldur EDTA) með fjólubláum tappa án gels (svört miðja)
Litakóði samkvæmt Greiner
Magn: 1 mL ( min 0,5ml ) plasma (sem þýðir 1,5 ml EDTA-blóð)
Geymsla sýnis: Frystir.
Sýnasending: Hraðsending á þurrís.
Heiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfang
Metabolisk Laboratorium
Klinisk Genetisk Klinik
RH 4062 Rigshospitalet
Blegdamsvej 9
2100 København Ø
Tlf.: 3545 4062
Anne Sylvest Olsen <Anne.Sylvest.Olsen@regionh.dk> |  |  | |
Flemming Wibrand <Flemming.Wibrand@regionh.dk>
Michelle Sofie Lage <michelle.sofie.lage.01@regionh.dk>
Metabolisk Laboratorium - afsnit 4062
Indgang 4, 6. sal
Juliane Maries Vej 8
2100 København Ø
Tlf.: 3545 4062
Flemming Wibrand
Tlf.: 3545 4617
Kliniske spørgsmål:
Allan Meldgaard Lund
Tlf.: 3545 2793
Tlf.: 3545 4862
eller 4592 4061
Rekvirering | Labka/rekvisitionsseddel |
Web-adresse til rekvisitionsseddel | Link til rekvisitionsseddel |
Kode (SP) | NPU26969 |
Analyse/undersøgelsesnavn - SP | Acylkarnitiner+Karnitin gruppe;P |
Labkakode | ACYLCAR |
Analyse/undersøgelsesnavn - Labka | P—Acylkarnitiner+Karnitin gruppe |
Analyse/undersøgelsesnavn - langt | P—Acylkarnitiner + karnitin () |
Synonymer | Acylkarnitiner og fri karnitin i plasma |
Indikation | Mistanke om defekt i nedbrydningen af fedtsyrer (betaoxidationsdefekter) |
Beskrivelse af analyse | UPLC-MS/MS |
Oplysninger ved rekvirering | Kliniske oplysninger bedes oplyst i forbindelse med rekvirering |
Prøvemateriale | EDTA-plasma |
Volumen/mængde | 1 ml (min. 0,5 ml) |
Prøvebeholder inkl. additiver | lilla2H (Prøverør med EDTA-stabilisator) |
Mærkning af (primær) prøvebeholder | Patientens CPR-nr. og navn |
Opbevaring, holdbarhed og forsendelse | Efter centrifugering (2800 g, 10 min), fryses plasma straks ved -20 °C.
Alm. postforsendelse: Mandag – onsdag i frossen tilstand efter gældende transportregler på tøris. Må ikke afsendes dagen før en helligdag.
Opbevares ved -20 °C indtil forsendelse |
Svartid | 2 uger (evt. længere ved samtidig rekvirering af andre analyser) |
Svarafgivelse | Pr. brev |
Kontaktmuligheder | Prøvemodtagelsen: 3545 4061, https://www.rigshospitalet.dk/metlab |
Afleveringssted og afleveringstidspunkt | Metabolisk Laboratorium 4061
Klinisk Genetisk Klinik
Blegdamsvej 9
2100 København Ø
Mandag-torsdag: 8.00-15.00, fredag: 8.00-12.00 |
Gyldig fra | 01/07/2015 |
Akkrediteret | Nej |
Indtastet/gennemset af | 24/05/2016 Initialer : ERN |
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- Fatty acyl carnitine is transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane in exchange for carnitine by an antiport translocase.
- In the mitochondrial matrix fatty acyl carnitine reacts with CoA in a reaction catalyzed by carnitine acyltransferase II (CAT-II), yielding fatty acyl CoA and carnitine.
The fatty acyl CoA is now ready to undergo beta-oxidation.
Energy from fat keeps us going whenever our bodies run low of their main source of energy, a type of sugar called glucose. Our bodies rely on fat for energy when we don't eat for a stretch of time - like when we miss a meal or when we sleep.
When the CAT (Carnitine Acylcarnitin Tranlocase) normal enzyme is missing or not working well, the body cannot use fat for energy, and must rely solely on glucose. Although glucose is a good source of energy, there is a limited amount available. Once the glucose has been used up, the body tries to use fat without success. This leads to low blood sugar, called hypoglycemia, and to the build up of harmful substances in the blood.
If CAT deficiency is not treated, what problems occur?
CAT deficiency can cause episodes of illness called metabolic crises. Some of the first symptoms of a metabolic crisis are:
- extreme sleepiness
- behavior changes
- irritable mood
- poor appetite
Other symptoms then follow:
- fever
- diarrhea
- vomiting
- hypoglycemia
If a metabolic crisis is not treated, a child with CAT deficiency can develop:
- muscle weakness
- seizures
- breathing problems
- coma, sometimes leading to death
There are two forms of CAT deficiency. The most common type happens in newborns. A milder, less common type happens in older infants and children.
CAT deficiency in newborns
Newborns with CAT deficiency often show symptoms within the first week of life. Episodes of metabolic crisis are common. High levels of ammonia in the blood can occur. This can cause serious brain damage.
Newborns with CAT may also have:
- low muscle tone (floppy muscles and joints) and muscle weakness
- enlarged liver
- heart problems and enlarged heart
- breathing problems
Babies who are not treated usually die of heart problems, breathing problems, liver failure or high levels of ammonia in the blood.
CAT deficiency in children
Children with the mild type of CAT deficiency usually start having symptoms before age three. They are at risk to have episodes of metabolic crisis, but usually do not have heart problems.
In both types of CAT deficiency, symptoms often happen after having nothing to eat for more than a few hours. Symptoms are also more likely when a person with CAT deficiency gets sick or has an infection.