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Útgefiđ gćđaskjal: Leiđbeiningar
Skjalnúmer: Rklín-259
Útg.dags.: 02/28/2023
Útgáfa: 4.0 IGF-II

Samheiti: Insulin-like growth factor-II
Hide details for Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending
Gerđ sýnis : Sermi.
Sýni tekiđ í serum glas međ rauđum tappa međ geli (gul miđja). Litakóđi samkvćmt Greiner

Mćla einnig glukósa á sama tíma og hafa gildi í beiđni.

Magn: 1 ml (min 0,3 ml)
Geymsla sýnis: Kćlir ef sent strax annars fryst
Sýnasending: Hrađsending á ţurrís (í stofuhita ef sent samdćgurs).
Hide details for Pöntunarkóđi í FlexLabPöntunarkóđi í FlexLab

Beiđni: SAS Peptide Hormones Section clinical lab.docSAS Peptide Hormones Section clinical lab.doc Senda tölvupóst til gwen.wark@nhs.net ţegar sending fer á stađ.
Hide details for Heiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfangHeiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfang

Dr Gwen Wark PhD, FRCPath
Consultant Clinical Biochemist and Scheme Organiser, UK NEQAS Guildford Peptide Hormones scheme
Berkshire and Surrey Pathology Services
SAS Peptide Hormones Section
Clinical Laboratory
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Surrey GU2 7XX
Telephone: 01483 406715
Fax: 01483 464168

Email: gwen.wark@nhs.net
Hide details for HeimildirHeimildir

The Peptide Hormones laboratory is part of the Supra-Regional Assay Service (www.sas-centre.org). The laboratory specialises in the investigation of hypoglycaemia and offers tests for the diagnosis of most endocrine and some metabolic causes of low blood glucose, including insulin, C-peptide, proinsulin, beta-hydroxybutyrate, oral hypoglycaemic agents, IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-2. The laboratory has considerable experience in the investigation of factious hypoglycaemia and with the handling of chain of custody samples.

The laboratory also has an interest in the investigation of growth disorders and the clinical utility of IGFs and their binding proteins.

The laboratory also runs the UK NEQAS Guildford Peptide Hormones scheme which includes the analytes; insulin, C-peptide, gastrin, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 (www.ukneqas.org.uk).


Dr G Wark, Consultant Clinical Scientist, Director of the SAS Peptide Hormones service
Dr C Livingstone, Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Deputy Director of the service
Mrs A Armstrong, Senior Clinical Scientist
Mr N J Porter, Biomedical Scientist 2


Telephone Number:         01483 406715
Fax Number:                  01483 464168   


MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI -     0900 – 1730         
SAT, SUN, Bank Holidays -        No service


Information regarding specimen and transportation requirements can be found in the test directory at www.nhspathology.fph.nhs.uk and www.assayfinder.com

SAS REQUEST FORM can be downloaded here: SAS Request Form (Word Format) or SAS Request form (PDF Format)

Samples can be sent to the laboratory by Royal Mail, Hays Dx and by courier. Patient samples should be labelled with three points of identification. All fields on the request form must be completed in full with patient first and last name, date of birth, sex and hospital/NHS number, sample type, date and time, the assay requested as well as requesting hospital name and address and your accession number. Please also provide full clinical details and drug history


SAS Peptide Hormones Section
Clinical Laboratory, Level B
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Egerton Road

Samples should be sent in packaging that is compliant with current postal regulations.

Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) is one of three protein hormones that share structural similarity to insulin. The MeSH definition reads: "A well-characterized neutral peptide believed to be secreted by the liver and to circulate in the blood. It has growth-regulating, insulin-like and mitogenic activities. The growth factor has a major, but not absolute, dependence on somatotropin. It is believed to be a major fetal growth factor in contrast to Insulin-like growth factor 1, which is a major growth factor in adults
It is sometimes produced in excess in islet cell tumors, causing hypoglycemia. Doege-Potter syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome[8] in which hypoglycemia is associated with the presence of one or more non-islet fibrous tumors in the pleural cavity. Loss of imprinting of IGF2 is a common feature in tumors seen in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. As IGF2 promotes development of fetal pancreatic beta cells, it is believed to be related to some forms of diabetes mellitus. Preeclampsia induces a decrease in methylation level at IGF2 demethylated region, and this might be among the mechanisms behind the association between intrauterine exposure to preeclampsia and high risk for metabolic diseases in the later life of the infants.[


Insulin-like Growth Factor II (IGF-I
Insulin-like Growth Factor II (IGF-II)
Click here to magnify the image.
Reference Range:See biochemistry report
Turnaround Time:1 week
Comments:Also request IGF-1
IGF-II: IGF-1 ratio is determined
Description:Insulin-like Growth Factor II (IGF-II)
Sample Requirements:Minimum 0.3 mL
Store frozen unless sent immediately


Ingibjörg Loftsdóttir
Sigrún H Pétursdóttir
Guđmundur Sigţórsson
Kristín Sigurgeirsdóttir



Ísleifur Ólafsson


Sigrún H Pétursdóttir

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