../ IS  
Útgefið gæðaskjal: Leiðbeiningar
Skjalnúmer: Rklín-598
Útg.dags.: 02/28/2023
Útgáfa: 2.0 Súlfonýlurea skimun

Samheiti: Sulphonylurea screen,
Hide details for Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending
Gerð sýnis : Serum
Sýni tekið í serum glas með rauðum tappa með geli (gul miðja)
Sýni tekið í serum glas með rauðum tappa án gels (svört miðja)
Einnig mælt í þvagi

Magn: 1 ml (min 0,6 ml) serum.
Geymsla sýnis: Kælir (frystir)
Sýnasending: Hraðsending í stofuhita ef sent samdægurs annars frystisending.
Hide details for Heiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfangHeiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfang

Dr Gwen Wark PhD, FRCPath
Consultant Clinical Biochemist and Scheme Organiser, UK NEQAS Guildford Peptide Hormones scheme
Berkshire and Surrey Pathology Services
SAS Peptide Hormones Section
Clinical Laboratory
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Surrey GU2 7XX
Telephone: 01483 406715
Fax: 01483 464168

Email: gwen.wark@nhs.net
Hide details for HeimildirHeimildir

Sulphonylurea Screen (serum)
Sulphonylurea Screen (serum)
Click here to magnify the image.
Reference Range:See biochemistry report
Turnaround Time:1 week
Comments:Urine screen also available
Description:Sulphonylurea Screen (serum)
Sample Requirements:0.6 mL serum required
Store frozen unless sending immediately

Sulphonylurea Screen (urine)
Sulphonylurea Screen (urine)
Click here to magnify the image.
Reference Range:See biochemistry report
Turnaround Time:1 week
Description:Sulphonylurea Screen (urine)
Sample Requirements:Minimum 10 mL urine required
Store frozen unless sent immediately


Sulphonylurea Screen (Sulfonylurea Screen)

General Information

The sulphonylureas act mainly by augmenting insulin secretion and consequently are effective only when some residual pancreatic beta-cell activity is present; during; long-term administration they also have an extra-pancreatic action. All may lead to hypoglycaemia 4 hours or more after food but this is usually an indication of overdose, and is relatively uncommon.

The qualitative analysis of plasma or urine for the presence of sulphonylurea drugs is a specific investigation and is performed when requested or when the drug history of the patient indicates the possibility of sulphonylurea ingestion.

The follow compounds can be detected using this method:

  • Chlorpropamide
  • Glibenclamide
  • Gliclazide
  • Glimepiride
  • Glipizide
  • Tolbutamide.


Ingibjörg Loftsdóttir
Sigrún H Pétursdóttir
Guðmundur Sigþórsson
Kristín Sigurgeirsdóttir



Ísleifur Ólafsson


Sigrún H Pétursdóttir

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