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Útgefið gæðaskjal: Leiðbeiningar
Skjalnúmer: Rklín-616
Útg.dags.: 08/02/2022
Útgáfa: 3.0 Monoaminmetabolite (HVA, 5-HIAA, HMPG)

Samheiti: CSV-HVA, CSV-5-HIAA, CSV-HMPG, Hydroxymethoxyphenylglycol (HMPG), Homovanillic acid (HVA), 5--Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)
Hide details for Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending Sýnataka, geymsla og sýnasending
Gerð sýnis: Mænuvökvi. Taka sýni í polypropylene glas. Skrá þarf hæð sjúklings á beiðni.

Magn: 12 ml (min 1,5 ml). Sýni skilið niður og sent i cryo-glasi Image result for kryorör
Geymsla sýnis: Frystir
Sýnasending: Hraðsending á þurrís
Hide details for Pöntunarkóði í FlexLabPöntunarkóði í FlexLab

Beiðni: Beiðni Neurkemi  Sahlgrenska.pdfBeiðni Neurkemi Sahlgrenska.pdf
Merkt við Neurotransmittorer og lengd sjúklings skrifuð á beiðni.
Hide details for Heiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfangHeiti tilvísunarannsóknastofu og heimilisfang
Neurokemi Hus V3
Laboratoriemedicin/Klinisk kemi
Göteborgsvägen 31
431 80 Mölndal SE

Telefon: 031-343 00 25
FAX: 031-343 24 26
Email: neurokemi.su@vgregion.se

Spurningar í síma 031 3421325
Hide details for HeimildirHeimildir
Rör el. motsv
Polypropen ("polypropylen") 12 mL.
Lumbalpunktion 12mL tappas i ett rör (barn <16år 3mL)
Minsta volym: 1.5 mL. Patientens längd ska anges på remissen.
Provröret vänds minst 5 ggr (fram och åter) efter provtagning. Därefter kan likvor fraktioneras för analys på andra laboratorier. Efter cellräkning centrifugeras provet vid 2000 g i 10 min och hälls över i ett nytt polypropenrör.
Om provet anländer till laboratoriet inom 24 h, transporteras provet i rumstemperatur förpackat i provhylsa och vadderat kuvert.
Om provet inte anländer till laboratoriet inom 24 h skall provet centrifugeras före transport. Centrifugerad likvor fryses i kryorör och skickas fryst. Undvik att skicka prov över en helg.

Remiss 7 Klinisk kemi, Likvoranalyser
  • Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, senast uppdaterad: 2019-06-02
    Klinisk kemi
    Klinisk kemi
    Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
    413 45 Göteborg

    För frågor kring analyser eller provsvar, kontakta vår helpdesk, tel 031 – 342 13 25.

    Fler olika kontaktuppgifter/leveransadresser finns, se respektive remiss.


    The pathways that are used to synthesise from tyrosine, the biogenic amine neuromediators levodopa, dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline and from tryptophan the neuromediator serotonin are useful to understand in the context of a number of diseases including Parkinson's disease and pheochromocytoma. The ultimate metabolites homovanillic acid, vanillylmandelic acid and hydroxyindoleacetic acid are often evaluated in the urine in the work up of some of these diseases. They may also be evaluated in disorders of metabolism causing monoamine disorder. Inherited monoamine disorders have a wide impact, not just on individuals but also society, as they can modulate addictive behaviour and a large number of disease presentations. Acquired disorders affecting monoamines, include those related to substance abuse, changes in neuro-endocrine balance brought on by drugs and neuroendocrine tumours.

    Genetic disorders

    These include:

    Some of these conditions have specific, perhaps curative treatment if offered early enough with easy to obtain drugs as is the case with the severe infantile parkinsonism caused by deficits in the SLC18A2 gene.

    Significance of decreased lumbar CSF levels of HVA and 5-HIAA in Alzheimer's disease.

    The monoamine metabolites homovanillic acid (HVA), 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-phenylglycol (HMPG) were determined in lumbar cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 123 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 57 healthy controls. Despite CSF sampling under strictly standardized conditions, a wide variability in values among both patients and controls was found, as well as fluctuations in repeated samples from individual patients. This suggests that several unknown factors influence the lumbar CSF levels of monoamine metabolites. The AD group showed significantly lower mean levels of HVA (p less than 0.0001) and 5-HIAA (p less than 0.0001) than the control group. A relation between severity of disease and HVA was also found. The widespread neurotransmitter disturbance in AD, together with the nonspecificity of reduced lumbar HVA and 5-HIAA levels, suggests that the changes are nonspecific, secondary to the cerebral degeneration in AD.

    Vanylglycol (MHPG) is a O-methylated metabolite of normetanephrine. MHPG is formed by catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) from norepinephrine. Catecholamines play an important role in platelet activation and aggregation, epinephrine being the most potent one. Catecholamines are substantially increased during stress, exercise or smoking and could result in clinically important platelet activation if their action was not rapidly regulated. MHPG is found normally in urine, in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. Alcohol consumption increases the level of HMPG in urine and CSF. Alcohol dehydrogenase has been shown to act on norepinephrine and produce HMPG


    Ingibjörg Loftsdóttir
    Sigrún H Pétursdóttir
    Guðmundur Sigþórsson
    Kristín Sigurgeirsdóttir



    Ísleifur Ólafsson


    Sigrún H Pétursdóttir

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